Segmen Kardesler Gida, Uretim Ve Ambalaj San. A.S.
Stand: 1550d
Years of experience combined with flavor...
The flavor adventure of Seğmen Brothers started with their arrival in Ankara from Sivrihisar in 1938.
Over the years, Seğmen, which became a company that had a say in trade and distributed important brands.
It was time to create their own brand; the production process of breakfast's foodstuffs started with the first factory in Siteler, Ankara.
Over the years, production continued at full speed by following traditional but all technological developments at the same time.
Today, Seğmen brand is in an important place in Turkey, entering every home and adding flavor and joy to each tables!
Seğmen Gıda1.Organize Sanayi, Osmanlı Cd. No:3/A
Ankara / Turkey
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