17 - 19 March 2025
ExceL London

Exhibitor List

Bioconserv Ltd

Stand: 1150
 Biokonserv Ltd is a startup business working on innovative biotechnology for the production of herbal products. Herbal drinks BESST are fruit juices infused with herbal extracts.

We offer a food supplement Vivanta – ‘a herbal extract that retains 100% of its nutrients due to cold press extraction.

We offer Food Quality Saver – 100% natural preservative from herbs, replacing the sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate from foods and beverages. It has wide application for all areas of the food industry from wine production to meat preservation.


Bioconserv Health Quality Company
17 Osvobojdenie Str
99 G.S.Rakovski Str. 1000 Sofia, BULGARIA, 13 fl
Town of Krivodol,
FQS  - Food Quality Saver  is a food and beverage preservative, 100% natural
FQS  - Food Quality Saver  is a food and beverage preservative, 100% natural, made from wild-growing herbs through low-temperature extraction, similar to extra virgin olive oil. It extends the shelf l …
VIVANTA all natural herbal food additive
Храна добавка от диворастящи билки - VIVANTA! Това е екстракт, уникална комбинация от прецизно подбрани билки, които в своите комбинация и пропорция, създайте прекрасна растителна храна, за да започне …
Lemon&Elderflower   BESST Herbal Drinks
- Lemon&Elderflower - освежаваща билкова напитка с лека и балансиран вкус на лимон и бъз, допълнен от мента и св. жълт кантарион;
Raspberry&Tribulus terrestris  BESST Herbal Drinks
-  Малина и Tribulus terrestris - с богат вкус на горска малина, съчетана с билки като годжи бери, шипка и глухарче;
Grape & Saffron  BESST Herbal Drinks
-    Grape & Saffron - an exquisite combination of saffron, apple, lemon, and grape that captivates the senses.
Cherry&Lemon Balm  BESST Herbal Drinks
Череша и маточина - с интензивен вкус на череша, обогатен с маточина, жълт кантарион и глог за хармония и свежест;
Green Apple&Cinnamon  BESST Herbal Drinks
-     Зелена ябълка&канела - BESST Herbal Drinks, ароматен микс от прясна зелена ябълка и топла канела, съчетана с билковите свойства на лайка, градински чай и коприва;
Pear&Basil  BESST Herbal Drinks
Pear&Basil - with a delicate and rich pear flavor, enhanced by thyme, basil, and sage;
8 Results

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    Please note that FREE registration to IFE closes on Sunday 16 March at midnight, after this time a fee will apply. For full payment terms and conditions see here.
