17 - 19 March 2025
ExceL London

Exhibitor News

16 Jan 2025

Europe's largest manufacturer of popping boba is expanding - again!

Nordic Boba – Denmark Stand: 3919

Nordic Boba is investing in 2 more production lines before IFE 2025. Nordic Boba is Europe's largest producer of Popping Boba.

"The English market is one of the most important for us in the coming years, and we have therefore chosen to upgrade our production, so we are absolutely sure that we can keep up with the demand that participation in IFE will give us," says Sales Director Henrik Schwert, and he continues "The market for bubble tea has exploded in recent years, and we have seen the need to be able to offer Europeans a product made in Europe, a product that is true to the Asian culture of bubble tea, but at the same time produced in the EU with the quality requirements set for food production in the EU. In addition, we must not forget the significantly lower CO2 footprint that local production gives our products"

Nordic Boba aims to become the preferred European supplier of traditional popping boba for bubble tea, while we have also introduced pearls that are suitable for industrial production as well as alternative uses of fruit pearls in the food industry. Nordic Boba offers products in both the Nordic Boba brand and in "private label" for larger customers.

Nordic Boba – Asian Culture made in Denmark


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