17 - 19 March 2025
ExCeL London

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Stand: 5039

Ceylon Tea, The World’s Favorite Tea in the World. Sri Lanka is acclaimed to produce Ceylon Tea perceived as Best in the World. The industry have more than 150 years of professional experience and is always ahead of competition in the auction system, value addition, revenue generation, sustainability, cleanliness in pesticide residues and corporate social responsibility programs for the industry. Diversity in specialty, hand plucking, topography unique climatic conditions ,soil elevation and monsoonal seasons combined with artisanal manufacturing methods results in Ceylon Tea emerging a world better. Three distinct agro-climatic zones produce teas that are unique to each area, making Sri Lanka a tea connoisseur’s paradise. Pioneer tea planters in the latter part of the 19th Century were the first to discover the effect of diverse climates on tea production. This has resulted in an array of fine teas of different flavor, aroma, strength and colour, indigenous to each agro-climatic district and not found anywhere else in the world. There are seven regions that are home to these teas, namely, NuwaraEliya, Udu Pussallawa, Dimbula, Uva, Kandy, Sabaragamuwa and Ruhuna. The only “Ozone Friendly Tea” granted the accolade by the Montreal Protocol is a foremost foreign exchange earner for the 10% of the population is directly/indirectly making it extremely important for its economy .Ceylon Tea is “the Finast Tea in the World”.


Sri Lanka

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