Stands will not be permitted to process or serve food if they are in poor hygienic condition or pose an imminent risk of contamination to food or an imminent risk to health.
Stands/kitchens/food preparation and dispensing areas must be in good order to ensure they can easily be cleaned and maintained in a hygienic state of repair. All surfaces likely to be used during the event should be non-porous and easily cleansable.
Anyone processing food must be able to identify the risks associated with their operation. The Government has developed a range of food safety management packs for different sectors of the food industry to help food business operators manage their food safety management procedures. These include Safer Food Better Business which is particularly relevant to smaller companies. For a full list of the management systems please click here.
All staff engaged in food handling must be properly trained, appropriate to their duties, and supervised to ensure they work hygienically. Evidence of this training may be required for inspection, so all relevant documentation should be made available onsite.
Key controls expected by venues where exhibitors are serving food within the confines of the venue must cover the following:
- Delivery
- Storage
- Preparation and display
- Hot or cold food holding
Click here for more detailed information on the controls required for the above. These controls should be detailed on a HACCP (Hazard Analysis, Control & Monitoring for the Preparation, Cooking, Storage and Serving of Foods).